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Top 10 Trends in digital marketing for 2021

Once the summer is over and into autumn, it is impossible not to focus our eyes on 2021, a year that with regard to digital marketing, is going to arrive loaded with news that we must take into account, otherwise we want our businesses to online suffer the consequences.

From Encyphers we wanted to go ahead in time and make our own forecasts about what will be the 10 main trends in digital marketing that we will have in 2021 , which we will have to embrace if we want to stay updated and take our web projects to the top.

Because the online marketing sector lives in constant change, especially after the rise of smartphones and mobile devices in general, and therefore it is essential to be alert and know the latest news.

Just to get an idea, in 2020 92.6% of people who surfed the Internet did so from a Smartphone , while 80.3% did so to access social networks. Data that show that we must pay special attention to both the Smartphone and social networks.

Having said that; Our # TOP10 of digital marketing trends for 2021 begins!

  • # 1 – Fast Content
  • # 2 – Context Marketing
  • # 3 – Mobile Commerce
  • # 4 – Voice Marketing
  • # 5 – Mobile First
  • # 6 – Social Media Marketing
  • # 7 – Lead Nurturing
  • # 8 – Analytics and CRO
  • # 9 – Stories
  • # 10 – Programmatic video


We open our # TOP10 of trends in online marketing with “Fast Content”, which, as its name suggests, focuses on offering users relevant, quality and short content that can be consume almost instantaneously.

For years Google has been prioritizing content, the longer the better. But this, given the boom that mobile phones have had to surf the Internet, has changed, and the way in which users consult and consume content, too.

It is a fact that mobile phones have become the main option to consume content on the Internet , as well as that attractive, useful and fast content are the ones that work best, since they manage to capture the attention of users with greater ease , favoring both CTR and brand presence.

With this we do not mean that you have to only make short content, since everything will depend on the target and the topic to be treated , but we do not mean that you do not focus simply on the content, the more extensive, the better. Think that each audience is different, and look for different content as well.


The second trend that we want to highlight from Encyphers is “ Context Marketing ” or “Context Marketing ”, an element that must be taken into account when drawing up our content marketing strategy .

When we talk about context marketing we are referring to the realization of much more precise, adequate and personalized content for our audience . Something that is now possible thanks to the fact that new technologies and, especially social networks, allow us to carry out much more precise analyzes on our users.

When writing content, it is essential that we take the context into account , since in this way it will be much easier for us to reach our users in a natural and useful way. Observe and study how your users behave on their social networks, and from there, think about the most interesting content that you can send them.


Given the growth of the Smartphone to surf the Internet, more and more users buy online through their mobile phones .

This has made online stores have to reinvent themselves and prepare to ensure proper operation through mobile devices.

What does this mean? Well, e-commerce must adapt to users , through a simple interface, fast loading speed, perfectly square content, responsive web design …


Although the era of ” Voice Marketing” or “Voice Marketing” already began a few years ago, everything indicates that 2021 will finally be the year in which it ends up emerging. Yes, and we have already seen how throughout 2018, the number of voice searches, through virtual assistants that incorporate smart devices, has experienced significant growth . More than 50% of users perform voice searches on a daily basis.

These virtual assistants have changed the way we interact with the Internet when asking questions , but also the answers we get. Therefore, it is essential that we adapt to them, since otherwise we are likely to lose many customers.

In fact, SEO for voice searches is already playing a leading role in most SEO web positioning strategies , where we must pay special attention to semantics and context. Why? Basically because we do not use the same words when we write, as when we speak.


Regardless of whether you have a corporate website, a blog or an online store, put these two words in your head: “ Mobile First ”.

As we have already said, the mobile phone has become the star device when it comes to surfing the Internet , far surpassing computers, and the proof is that the number of visits in the desktop version has dropped enormously in the last years.

The usual itinerary of a user on the Internet is to access a website from the mobile phone , observe those products or services that may interest him and, finally, formalize the purchase from the computer . Although the truth is that this last step seems to also change, since the websites are making it easier and easier to buy from the Smartphone.

As we can see, the role played by the mobile phone is key, so we must adapt our websites to ensure correct viewing from any device.


It goes without saying the importance of social networks to achieve success with our business , being essential for us to get visits. For this reason, it is essential to work on them and draw up a good and complete marketing strategy in social networks , which allows us to reach the public in a closer, direct and personal way.

Social networks will allow us to create a new communication channel with our target, as well as attract the attention of new users, they could end up becoming customers.

You must share valuable content designed for social networks , create dialogues with users, participate with the audience, humanize your brand, respond to comments, make promotions and giveaways … The more you work on your social network profiles, the more possibilities you will have to increase your client portfolio.


The ” Lead Nurturing ” or “Nutrition of Leads”, focuses on feeding, in some way, potential customers , with the main objective of creating a good relationship with them. It is closely linked to the content marketing strategy.

For this, it is important to create content that the public wants , since in this way it will be much easier to create a relationship of trust, which will help them to finally end up buying and betting on us.

In addition, by offering interesting content for users, it will be easier to keep interest alive , and get users to be attentive to our upcoming content.


The more data you handle, the easier it will be for you to make the best decisions for your online project . Something that today is possible, thanks to the multiple tools available, which allow us to measure and analyze our entire digital marketing strategy, to know what is working, and what is not.

On the other hand, CRO techniques will allow us to give a greater degree of sophistication to our strategy , making the most of the measurement tools that allow us to interpret data, and evaluate whether or not we have achieved the objectives.


Within social networks, we have to highlight the important role that stories are playing , or what is the same, videos of a certain duration, which after 24 hours, disappear.

They first appeared on the social network Snapchat, quickly gaining public recognition, but it was really when Facebook and Instagram integrated them into their functions, when they really gained the importance they have today. So much so that Google is gradually integrating them into its search results .


And finally, to close our # TOP10 of digital marketing trends in 2021, we have programmatic video, which today should be taken as a real priority . The reason? Well, as the prestigious Forbes magazine assures, more than 80% of the advertising video that we will see in 2021 will be programmatic.

Everything indicates that 2021 will be the final year of its consolidation , thanks, among other things, to the rise of VOD (video on demand) and mobile phones, which have given greater importance to videos in recent years.

The advantages offered by this video format are many, highlighting its segmentation capacity , its ability to maintain constant communication with the audience, and its high level of personalization , which allows it to offer a most rewarding advertising experience.


Although there are many other things that we must take into account, these have been for the Encyphers team, the 10 main trends around digital marketing, to which we will have to pay special attention in 2021. Take note, and start applying them in your online business.

We are focusing on the challenges for our customers and the need to provide excellent IT solutions and services to maintain long-term relationships through outstanding flexibility. Encyphers vision is to excel in achieving the dreams and aspirations of their customers and make them a reality.

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