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Know how ENCYPHERS migrated Conn Creek from Dynamics 365 to Shopify Plus

Project overview:

Conncreek is a wine business. This website was built on Dynamics 365 Commerce platform, and we migrated it to Shopify Plus. The client acquired an old business along with its existing website and wanted us to design the Shopify store UI exactly like the previous one. The main challenge was migrating the website from Dynamics to Shopify Plus while preserving the familiar user interface (UI) and migrating crucial data seamlessly and without varying most of the functionality. Most of the website’s visitors were aged people who were familiar with the interface. The second challenge is to migrate the existing customer buying history and other related data, as well as its products’ data, to the newly built Shopify store. The timeline for doing all the work was tight, but we managed to do it on time. This case study explores the challenges faced, solutions implemented, and the successful outcome of collaboration with Encyphers.

Challenge 1: Preserving UI Consistency:

Conncreek’s acquisition of an old business came with the task of migrating an existing website to a new platform without altering the UI. The main challenge was to replicate the UI exactly as it was on Dynamics 365 Commerce, as the majority of Conncreek’s website visitors, particularly the older demographic, were accustomed to the existing interface.

Solution 1: Custom UI Replication:

Encyphers conducted a thorough analysis of Conncreek’s Dynamics 365 Commerce website to understand its UI elements and functionalities. Leveraging their expertise in UI design and development, Encyphers meticulously replicated the UI on the Shopify Plus platform. Custom themes, templates, and CSS styling were employed to ensure a seamless transition while maintaining the original look and feel of the website. Encyphers also conducted extensive user testing to validate the UI replication and address any discrepancies.

Challenge 2: Data Migration and Integration:

The second challenge revolved around migrating critical data, including customer buying history, product data, and related information, from Dynamics 365 Commerce to Shopify Plus. Ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the migrated data was crucial for maintaining business continuity and providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Solution 2: Comprehensive Data Migration Strategy:

Encyphers developed a comprehensive data migration strategy to transfer customer records, order history, product catalogs, and other essential data from Dynamics 365 Commerce to Shopify Plus. Automated migration tools and custom scripts were utilized to map and transfer data fields accurately. Rigorous testing and validation procedures were conducted to verify the integrity and completeness of the migrated data. Encyphers also provided training and support to Conncreek’s team to manage and update the migrated data effectively.

UI & UX Enhancement:

Encyphers focused on optimizing the UI and UX of Conncreek’s Shopify Plus store to deliver an intuitive and engaging shopping experience. User-friendly navigation, clear product categorization, and mobile responsiveness were prioritized to cater to Conncreek’s diverse customer base. Encyphers also implemented best practices in UI design, such as minimalist layouts and intuitive controls, to enhance usability and drive conversions.


The collaborative efforts between Conncreek and Encyphers resulted in the successful transition of its eCommerce platform to Shopify Plus. The meticulous replication of the UI, seamless data migration, and strategic app integrations enabled Conncreek to maintain continuity in its online presence while leveraging the advanced features of the Shopify platform. The new Shopify Plus store not only preserved the familiarity of the original interface but also delivered enhanced functionality and improved user experience. Despite the tight timeline, Encyphers delivered the project on schedule, demonstrating their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Conncreek’s new Shopify Plus store has positioned them for continued growth and success in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

We are focusing on the challenges for our customers and the need to provide excellent IT solutions and services to maintain long-term relationships through outstanding flexibility. Encyphers vision is to excel in achieving the dreams and aspirations of their customers and make them a reality.